-Mr. Bruno Mascart, Managing Partner and Founder of Altios Group & Mr. Klaus Maier: Managing Partner of Altios Group and Founder of M+V.

Self and Company Introduction

Bruno Mascart, Advisor for Foreign Trade for France, is an experienced international business professional and founding partner of Altios Group. He is an expert in the Asia-Pacific region where he is based today to oversee Altios activities. Bruno began his career working for a European SME before embarking on a world trip that led him to settle in Australia. This is where he established the first Altios office in 1991 dedicated to helping foreign companies expand into the Australian market.

Thanks to Bruno’s entrepreneurial spirit, Altios Group has today 35 subsidiaries in 22 countries with a large range of services to help SMEs & Mid Cap to internationalize.

Klaus Maier, founded Maier+Vidorno (M+V) in 2000 and in 2021 oversaw it's merger with the ALTIOS Group. Klaus is an expert in entry and expansion in complex international markets. Before founding Maier+Vidorno, Klaus worked in raw material trading in Australia, Spain, USA and India.

Klaus lived in New Delhi for over 20 years building successful and sustainable market entry and market expansion strategies for foreign companies entering complex markets such as India. He moved to Berlin in 2021 to oversee the merger of ALTIOS and M+V and strengthen Services in Central and Eastern Europe.

About Maier Vidorno Altios – part of the Altios Group

Maier Vidorno Altios has 23 years experience in India and is part of the international Altios group. At Maier Vidorno Altios, we go beyond being just consultants; we become your partners in success.

Maier Vidorno Altios offers a 360° solution to international companies who want to Enter & Expand in India. Our mission is to successfully establish and grow our clients’ Indian organizations by providing the highest standard of professional services, from market entry consulting to solidifying their long-term market presence in India. We provide pragmatic and tailored operational management services, perfect if you are preparing to enter the Indian market or have already invested.

What makes us special is that we know first-hand the challenges and pitfalls involved in developing your business in India. It was our own experience of these difficulties, and of finding ways to overcome them, that led to the idea for Maier Vidorno Altios, and its establishment in 2000. We now offer you our combined expertise and in-depth experience to foster your business success in India.

We support your business entry and expansion in the Indian market, standing by you not only during significant milestones but also beyond – ensuring sustained success.

We support you and guide you at every step of your business journey. We extend comprehensive support in areas including market research and analysis, due diligence, choosing the right entry mode, establishing local partnerships, building strong relationships, adapting to local culture, establishing a reliable distribution network, supply chain management, ensuring regulatory compliance, and more. For more information, you can visit our website: Maier Vidorno Altios, or www.altios.fr.

What are the business and investment opportunities you see between India and France?

India is set to become the third-largest economy by 2030 with an estimated growth rate of 7%. As the fastest-growing major economy, India offers significant business opportunities for foreign companies. Moreover, a business-friendly environment, simplified FDI rules, low corporate tax rate, and availability of government subsidies and grants to new businesses, further promotes ease of doing business in India.

The landscape of Indo-French business ventures is rich with emerging opportunities, marked by a blend of traditional industries and innovative sectors. Recent trends indicate several key areas where businesses from both countries can mutually benefit:

  1. Renewable Energy: India's commitment to renewable energy, particularly solar power, aligns well with France’s expertise in this sector. France's leadership in solar technology and India's ambitious renewable energy targets create a fertile ground for joint ventures and investments.
  2. Information Technology and Startups: France's growing digital market offers a vast opportunity for Indian IT firms. Simultaneously, French startups are finding a welcoming environment in India's burgeoning startup ecosystem, which is supported by government initiatives like 'Startup India'.
  3. Aerospace and Defense: France's advanced aerospace industry, exemplified by companies like Airbus and Dassault Aviation, has been actively collaborating with Indian firms. These partnerships are not only about sales but also about technology transfer and co-production.
  4. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: With India being a major pharmaceutical hub, French pharmaceutical companies are increasingly looking to India for both manufacturing and R&D collaborations. Joint ventures in healthcare services are also on the rise, driven by India's large patient base and skilled medical professionals.
  5. Agri-Food Sector: France's expertise in high-quality food processing and India's vast agricultural output presents opportunities for collaboration in food technology, processing, and retail.

These sectors not only offer commercial benefits but also contribute to the socio-economic development of both nations. The future of Indo-French business ventures looks promising, with a clear focus on sustainable and technologically advanced collaborations.

Challenges in the Indo-French Business Landscape

While the Indo-French business relationship is burgeoning with opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Understanding these hurdles is crucial for companies to navigate effectively in the Indian market.

  1. Regulatory and Bureaucratic Hurdles: India's regulatory environment can be complex, with varying laws and procedures across its states. French companies often find the bureaucratic processes time-consuming, impacting the ease of doing business.
  2. Cultural and Communication Barriers: Cultural differences between India and France can lead to misunderstandings and communication gaps. Adapting to local business customs and communication styles is vital for successful operations.
  3. Market Competition and Localization: The Indian market is highly competitive, with both local and international players. French companies need to localize their products and strategies to meet the unique demands and preferences of Indian consumers.
  4. Supply Chain Complexity: Navigating India's supply chain can be challenging due to infrastructural issues and logistical complexities. This aspect becomes particularly critical for companies involved in manufacturing or requiring timely delivery of goods.
  5. Intellectual Property Concerns: Protecting intellectual property rights in India is a concern for many French companies, especially in technology and creative industries. Ensuring robust IP protection strategies is essential for safeguarding innovations and brand value.

By understanding and strategically addressing these challenges, French businesses can more effectively tap into the vast potential of the Indian market, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and success.

What have been the biggest accomplishments of your organization in the last few years?

When Maier+Vidorno merged with Altios in 2021 the Altios Group became able to offer 250 experts on all aspects of doing business to all French customers, while also gaining the capacity to support all customers in France and India with their businesses. Achieving the smooth merger of the companies is a testament to our ability to help companies deal with the practical aspects of growing and expanding and we are very proud of our team in India – and around the world.

How has IFCCI added value to your organization in India?

IFCCI, thanks to its main goal of enhancing business relationships between France and India has been an added value to Maier Vidorno Altios development.

Integrating the chamber allowed us to strengthen our connection with the global French ecosystem in India. This is the basis to apprehend and understand the most actual trends that influence this economic corridor.

This was also a direct way to connect with individuals & companies less formally. Meeting local professionals in this context is a good way to develop partnerships and collaborations.

As a referenced partner, and from a more direct point of view, the IFCCI connected us to companies facing a challenge in India and that needed our support.

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