The session highlights how CSR initiatives in an organisation can lead to an improved work environment, boost employee engagement levels.
The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI)
is pleased to invite you for a
Session on
"Strengthening Employee Engagement through CSR"
Monday, 30th January 2023
11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
(hybrid format)
While there are many ways of enhancing employee engagement practices by corporates, CSR is being increasingly perceived as an important driver for employee engagement. It is also believed that there is a direct link between employee engagement and organizational success, hence every organisation today intends to adopt new and constantly evolving strategies including volunteering programs to improve employee productivity and create opportunities for their employees to contribute their personal skills, time and efforts towards a social cause and the betterment of the community.
The objective of this Session is to highlight how CSR initiatives in an organisation can lead to an improved work environment, boost employee engagement levels and encourage employee rewards and recognition.
The Session is being organised in a hybrid format.
The physical meeting will take place at IFCCI Delhi and Mumbai offices:
IFCCI Delhi Boardroom,
RK Khanna Tennis Stadium, DLTA Complex,
1, Africa Avenue, Gate 3-First Floor, New Delhi - 110029
IFCCI Mumbai Boardroom,
Ador House, Plot/CS 34, 6-K, 2nd Floor,
Dubash Marg Kalaghoda, Opp Lion Gate, Mumbai 400 001
In case you would like to join the meeting in person, kindly let us know as we have limited seats.
For virtual participation, joining link will be shared upon receiving confirmation.
Kindly RSVP at hr.assistant@ifcci.org.in mentioning your preferred mode for joining the Meeting.

Session on Strengthening Employee Engagement through CSR
Event ended.