Mr. Ravin MirchandaniExecutive Chairman, Ador Powertron Ltd

Ravin Mirchandani is a business leader with significant international experience having directly lived and worked in 6 countries across Europe and Asia. His experience spans the cryogenic, defence, energy and traffic infrastructure industries.
Ravin has an MBA in Business Administration from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, (International Business) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree from the University of Poona, India. He previously worked with Origin Energy – Australia’s largest energy company, responsible for the gas business for one part of Australia. He later was Head of Origin for South East Asia, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Presently Ravin manages a business that spans Australia and India focusing on the road and energy sectors, i.e. carbon free mobility as well as road safety solutions & small scale off grid hydrogen energy solutions. Ravin is a member of the board of directors of Ador Powertron (India), as well as Acusensus, Mack Valves, and Skai Energies (all based in Melbourne, Australia). He spends his time between Australia and India.