Abida AneezHead CSR at Legrand Group India

Abida Aneez, Head CSR at Legrand Group India has a cumulative experience in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Resources Management.
She has 28+ years of rich and extensive experience in HR strategy, Organization Development, Change Management, Talent Management, Industrial relations & CSR with diversified industry experience in IT, ITES & Manufacturing.
She was chosen among the 100 top HR professionals of the India by World HRD congress in 2018. At Legrand Group India, she plans, develops and monitors CSR programs across country and drives sustainable development actions across Organization.
Under her guidance, Legrand Group India has trained more than 7500 electricians across 15 smart cities, offers free medical consultations to 5000+ communities every year through Telemedicine centres, sponsors scholarship to 175+ deserving girls to study Engineering. In 2020, recognized by IFFCI for the ‘Most innovative CSR response’ award.
She also has conceived a programme for empowering girls through professional Engineering graduation and 175+ meritorious girls are beneficiaries of this scholarship.
She aspires to serve as a catalyst for development of the less privileged section of the society